About 约克论坛-YorkBBS.CA加拿大华人和留学生的好帮手 APK
York Forum is Canada's first Chinese portal website and the most popular Toronto Chinese forum. It has channels such as news, forums, food, real estate, cars, yellow pages and shopping malls. It is one of the well-known overseas Chinese websites.
约克论坛是加拿大第一中文网站,是留学生移民最欢迎的多伦多华人论坛。一手掌握身边家国大小事,八面留意留学移民政策情,随时查询衣食住行优惠购,不断更新吃喝玩乐任你行。约克论坛APP在手,让你一切更轻松。 YorkBBS is the number one Chinese portal and the most influential Chinese network media in Canada. As the most visited Chinese website in Canada, YorkBBS not only has the most members but also has the richest content. It covers all the aspects of daily life, including News page, Forum, Food channel, Housing channel, Yellowpage and E-mall, etc. 功能介绍: 1.支持快速发布主题、回复帖子,版块快速切换及收藏 2.发帖支持多图上传,用您的Android App 即拍即发; 3.浏览和发布分类信息,本地服务应有尽有; 4.支持查看个人主页,方便管理个人信息; 5.支持在线注册、多个账号方便切换; 6.短消息查看功能,畅通和好友间的沟通; 7.论坛搜索:随时随地搜索你喜欢的精彩帖子 8.热帖推荐,每天为您精心推荐最热最有价值的帖子 9.所发表的帖子有来自于“约克论坛Android客户端”独特标志 官方网站:http://www.yorkbbs.ca 反馈邮箱:admin@yorkbbs.ca 商务合作:416-628-9108
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