Home Communication Wifi Calling : VoWiFi APK

About Wifi Calling : VoWiFi APK

WiFi Calling app to check and enable the hidden Wifi Calling (VoWifi) feature. Wifi Calling : VoWiFi app is the WiFi Calling app by which users can find Settings from where they can enable WIFI Calling feature which can do free voice calls over the internet using WiFi and without any cost of carrier charge like cost per minute. What is WiFi calling? Instead of using your carrier's network connection, you can make free voice calls via a Wi-Fi network. That could mean using a Wi-Fi connection you have set up at home, or whatever Wi-Fi hotspot you happen to be on when you're out and about, such as at a cafe or library. In most ways, it's like any other phone call, and you still use regular phone numbers. Why would I want that? WiFi calling is especially useful when you're in an area with weak carrier coverage. For example, when you're traveling to the residential countryside, or you're in a building with spotty reception. You may already be familiar with using Wi-Fi to send messages when SMS texting is unavailable (apps like Kik and Facebook Messenger provide these services) -- and the same applies when you're trying to place a call. What carriers and phones support this service? All four major US carriers (T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon) provide built-in Wi-Fi calling. Republic Wireless and Google Project Fi provide Wi-Fi calling on certain phones too. All T-Mobile phones offer Wi-Fi calling built-in. As for Sprint, Wi-Fi calling is available on a number of iPhone models that run iOS 9.1 or higher. Several Android devices have the service as well, but you'll need to check through your phone's Settings menu to see if you have it. Does it cost more? For domestic calls, it doesn't cost any extra as such. But making calls over Wi-Fi can come out of your regular minute's allowance depending on your carrier and your phone plan. Why need the APP? Today, Many retail mobiles have a "Wifi Calling" function but not any menu entry to enable it, The APP can check the hidden function and enable it if can use. How to use the APP? Start the app and click "Wifi Calling Settings" Click "WLAN calling" Click "ENABLE" WLAN calling Click "WLAN preferred" " Wifi Calling" is enabled! Now you can enjoy unlimited free voice calls over the internet Supported Devices: Get a list of all WiFi Calling supported devices of the world’s famous brands like Google, Samsung, Pixel, Apple, Oneplus, and many more. You can check your device is supported or not by checking this list. The list is brand wise and with full detailed steps to enable WiFi Calling feature. Global Network Support: Do your mobile carrier network supports Wifi Calling? Get a list of country-wise carrier networks which provide WiFi Calling. Such as in the United Kingdom, EE, O2, Vodafone and some others provide this feature or In India, Airtel, Jio, VI provide Wifi Calling. You can enjoy free voice calls from these networks like Airtel Wifi Calling or Vodafone WiFi Calling. Device Information: You can get your device information like Name, MOdel name, Product code, screen details, CPU Info, Network Info, and Operator and country. BENEFITS: No Registration required Easy to use and free of cost Easily find the WiFi Calling feature from the device Get a full list of supported devices with detailed steps Check which mobile carrier networks provide WiFi Calling in your country Get full details of your mobile device A detailed guide to enable WiFi Calling with infographics We welcome users to report compatible and incompatible phone models, and incompatible phenomena, we will further improve the APP. Disclaimer: This app will open Wifi Settings if your device has the Wifi Calling feature. We do not claim any call over wifi with our app. Also, if your mobile carrier supports Call Wifi then this feature is useful for you. Email: thephotoapps2017@gmail.com

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