Home Communication /u/app APK

About /u/app APK

Welcome to the world's most hi-tech/low-life board! Welcome to danger/u/, textboard of the future! This app provides you a fully functional version of Jill's phone, with all it's features you know and love from the game. At it's core is danger/u/, a fully functional version of the textboard for the denizens of Glitch City. You can listen to soundtracks from the jukebox, and read the latest news about the universe in the Augmented Eye. The looks of the app can be altered using Nanocamo, where you can select your favorite theme. The blog of famous cyberpunk superstar, Kira Miki, is also available, where she will post her life and hot-and-happenings around Glitch City.

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Last Version

date 4.2.5

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/u/app APK Screenshots