Home Social Friendster - Social network APK

About Friendster - Social network APK

Friendster is a fully Indian based social network Frendster ensures full privacy among chats and media you share it is all secured by hash system and are fully encrypted. you can post images and videos with caption including hastag and mention your friends your friends can follow you and also be able to create a story which will be shared among all of your followers we are continously improving our services and features all posts are monitored and we complies that every media posted is suitable to all persons. You can also report problem at Beginloop@gmail.com. If you are reporting any media just type the username and link of the post we will reply you within 24 hours and we ensure to solve you problem If you are reporting any bug or suggestions just type (Help/suggestion) and write you content.

Additional App Information

Last Version

date 1.0

Uploaded by

Begin Loop





app Social

Friendster - Social network APK Screenshots